Tuesday, August 28, 2018

On The Rock, The Waves, The Shore

Today marks 17 years since my first date with the man that changed my life. As we sit here tonight and bicker as to whether we "dated" or not, one thing is for certain... he is my rock. When I say my rock...here’s how much I mean it....

He is the rocks. I am the water. Together, we are the shore. 

He is strong, steadfast, unwavering in the face of life's elements. He is the rocks. 

I am wild, deep, limitless in my desire to be free and "bigger".  I am the waves. 

He is the truest form of constancy. An anchor, grounded in all that is unshakeable.

I am a creature capable of the most dueling worlds; tranquil and calm one moment..a tidal wave of force the next.

He sits quietly along the coast, providing stability against the most powerful of unrest.

I rush forward with feeling and passion; a tidal wave of passion- reminder that not all edges need to be sharp.

He will always be the rocks. I will always be the water.

And 17 years ago today...we became the shore. 

**For the record... we never went on dates. As of September 29, 2001, we have been bonded together. 

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