Wednesday, April 22, 2020

On Being A Mess and the Beauty in the Mud

I wish I could tell you there was another way.

I wish I could give you a road map that was clean and flawless and perfect in every way.

I wish I could pull out the rule book. 

But I can’t, because I’ve never experienced it.

The truth is, I only know one way. And. It’s. Messy. 

Whether it's been creating relationships…creating words…or creating a moment. It’s been messy.

I used to be afraid of the mess; afraid of the flaws that might appear if things got dirty along the way. Until I realized that the greatest beauty I’ve ever known has arisen from the disheveled pieces of a very messy life.  

The most valued relationships I have in my life are with the people who were willing to stand in the mud with me. It seems that there is so much beauty in walking through the trenches with someone, facing their battle, and finding your way out together.

The most precious words I’ve ever written in my life are the creations that exist bound by grit and sand. Because there is so much beauty in having a vision, watching it dissolve to pieces, then transform into something new. The most meaningful moments I’ve ever had in my life are the ones spent with my hands and knees covered in dirt.  There is so much grace in having been buried, digging yourself out, and uncovering the strongest version of yourself.

I wish I could tell you there was another way.

But I can’t. Because I’ve never experienced it.

But I CAN tell you that life is often very messy.

And if you’re willing to embrace that mess, there isn’t just beauty on the other side of it, there is beauty inside of it too. Afterall, the lotus flower blossoms from the mud. 

If you are needing someone to join in the mud please reach out. We are in this together. And let me tell you, when we come out of the trenches it will be beautiful.