Wednesday, September 21, 2022

On Falling

You know what I love about acorns?

I love that falling is part of their life cycle. I love that crashing to the ground is necessary for growth. I love that letting go is the first step towards becoming strong and wonderful. 

Leaves fall in honour of their tree. They fall so that the tree can withstand the added weight of snow that comes with winter. Leaves let go so that something else can grow.

But acorns fall so that they can grow.

Every oak was once an acorn.

I've been getting a lot of messages lately asking if I'm alright.

"I can't quite tell from your posts if you're doing okay or if you're going through something hard," the gentle words often say.

The answer is yes and yes. 

I'm good. But it doesn't always feel good.

I'm working on lots of fun projects and creating lots of beautiful relationships and untangling a lot of important stuff.

And in between those moments of growing and creating and healing, there are moments of discomfort and frustration and doubt.

Life is funny that way, isn't it?

Even the beauty is lined with very human impatience.

I guess you could say that I'm an acorn who very much wants to be an oak tree!

I fell to the ground and while I know that it's part of what I needed to go through, I feel ready to start growing my new roots and reaching for the sky.

But life, like nature, is not interested in rushing. It does its own work in its own time. And no amount of me trying to tell the Universe otherwise is going to change that.

So I keep plucking away; one day at a time--more learning and reflecting, more untangling, more healing…more falling. Sometimes it feels like I'm taking two steps forward and one heartbreaking step back. Other times it feels like I'm taking two steps forward and an entire plane ride back.

So, here's to nature's timing...and to blooming where we're planted! 🍂